Flea and Tick Prevention for Puppies: A New Pet Parent Guide
Congratulations on your decision to adopt a new furry bundle of joy! As a soon-to-be pet parent, you're gearing up for what to expect in those first few months. You're researching how to train your dog. You're stocking up on puppy-safe toys, comfy bedding, and fun food and water bowls. But when preparing for your new four-legged arrival, don't overlook flea and tick prevention for puppies.
Age Is Important
Before you even consider flea and tick treatments for your new best friend, remember: ADAMS™ flea and tick producs are not for use on puppies under 12 weeks old.
What Else to Ask About Flea and Tick Prevention
The best way to protect your puppy is to prevent him from getting fleas and ticks in the first place. It's true that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Rather than trying to stop a flea infestation, it's much easier to take a preventive approach. Plus, by protecting your puppy from fleas and ticks, you're keeping him healthy. These pests can cause health problems such as skin infections, fur loss, anemia, and tapeworms.
Here are two essential questions to ask about flea and tick protection before adopting your puppy:
- Does a new puppy need flea and tick prevention products?
- Does a puppy need flea and tick prevention products specifically formulated for puppies?
Again, the makers of ADAMS™ products state that you should not use any kind of flea or tick product until your puppy is at least 12 weeks old. For pups younger than 12 weeks, consider finding and removing fleas weekly with a flea comb. When your puppy is a little older, his vet can recommend specific products for flea and tick prevention.
Also, the American Veterinary Medical Association1 suggests these questions about flea and tick prevention for puppies:
- Which parasites does this product protect against?
- How often should this product be used?
- How long does it take for the product to start working?
- What if the puppy reacts poorly to the product?
- Does a puppy need more than one flea protection product?
- How are multiple flea and tick protection products applied?
How to Prepare Your Home and Yard
Now that you know about effective flea and tick prevention for puppies, you'll want to prepare for your puppy's arrival. This includes proactively treating inside your home and outside in your yard.
In your home:
- Use a new pet bed or thoroughly wash a used bed with hot water and laundry detergent.
- Use new toys or wash gently loved toys with hot water and soap.
- Vacuum your home with a high-quality vacuum cleaner with an agitator. Include carpets, floors, and upholstery.
If you think you have an infestation, try an ADAMS™ Plus Flea & Tick Indoor Fogger for large areas of carpeted floors and other upholstered surfaces. Try an ADAMS™ carpet spray for a more targeted approach. For a broader coverage of household surfaces, consider a combination of these products.
In your yard:
- Cut the grass. Collect and discard the clippings, which may contain ticks, fleas, and flea eggs.
- Spray any outdoor areas where your pet may play with an ADAMS™ yard spray for broad coverage.
These precautions can help protect your furry family members and your property from fleas and ticks. With careful attention, you can help eliminate pests, their eggs, and their larvae no matter where they lurk.
What Prevention and Protection Supplies to Keep on Hand
Finally, to ensure your puppy stays free of fleas and ticks, stock your cabinets with ADAMS™ prevention and protection supplies. You'll need to treat your pet, home, and yard for fleas year-round to kill adult fleas, eggs, and larvae. Some suggestions:
- A flea and tick collar that kills adult fleas and ticks and repels mosquitoes.
- A fine-toothed flea comb for regular grooming and flea detection.
- Flea and tick shampoo for puppies.
- Flea and tick treatments, such as a spray or topical.
- Flea and tick prevention products for your home, such as a carpet and home spray.
- Flea and tick prevention products for your yard.
- American Veterinary Medical Foundation. "Safe Use of Flea and Tick Preventive Products," 2022. https://www.avma.org/resources/pet-owners/petcare/safe-use-flea-and-tick-preventive-products
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