Insect Facts

Search returned 13 results
  • 7 Myths and Flea Facts, and How to Protect Your Furry Friends

    Fleas are a fact of life for cats and dogs. Pet parents must protect them by learning science-based flea facts and myths.

  • Fleas

    Are fleas wreaking havoc on your home or plaguing your pets? What should you use? Check out these flea facts and find ways to control and prevent fleas.

  • Earwigs

    Wondering how to get rid of earwigs? If you're fighting an earwig infestation in your house, here are some helpful tips to control and prevent earwigs.

  • Ticks

    If you have pets, you probably know a thing or two about ticks, but maybe you're wondering how to prevent or get rid of ticks in your yard or on your pet.

  • Wasps

    Have wasps built a nest in your yard? Or are they hornets? Or maybe bees? Check out these facts about wasps and find out how to get rid of them in your yard.

  • Cockroaches

    When cockroaches show up in your house, you might wonder if you should use treatments or sprays. Find out where cockroaches live and how to get rid of them.

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