Pest Treatment and Prevention
Fall Flea and Tick Protection for Dogs and Cats: Watch Out For Lingering Pests
As the days get shorter and the weather get cooler, flea and tick protection for dogs and cats can help you stay pest-free this autumn.
Protect Your Home From Fleas
Protecting your home from fleas differs depending on the type of home you live in and requires layered treatments throughout your home, yard, and your pet.
Flea and Tick Medication: How Do the Options Compare?
Flea and tick medication is an essential part of keeping dogs and cats healthy. Here's how the different products (collars, sprays, etc.) compare.
Flea and Tick Prevention Tips to Protect Your Family and Home
Wondering how to protect your family from outdoor pests? Discover tips for flea and tick prevention in the home and in the yard.
How to Get Rid of Fleas In Carpet
Discover helpful tricks to reveal flea activity in your carpeted areas. With a little patience, you can uncover flea activity in your home.
How To Get Rid of Fleas on Kittens
Fleas can be dangerous for your kitten's health. Here are few guidelines to help you get rid of the harmful pests.